The Civic Museum of Nepi, accordingly to its Mission, conducts studying activities and promotes the collection and the Nepi cultural heritage.
The research works develop articles and monographs published on the magazine “Quaderni del Museo Civico di Nepi”. The Museum organizes conferences autonomously or in cooperation with universities and with public and private institutions. Important promotion activities have been developed in cooperation with “Soprintendenza Archeologica per l’Etruria meridionale”, with “Laboratorio di Restauro della Provincia di Viterbo” and with the University of Tuscia.
The Museum cooperates with the Tuscia University of Tuscia in the education and scientific field, through the stipulation of agreements for the internship activities within the museum. In 2017, in cooperation with Greek and Roman Archaeological Institute of the University of Tuscia and with the “Soprintendenza Archeologica” offices, the Museum organized a conference with the title: Augusto. Città e territorio, potere ed immagini: l’esempio del Latium e dell’Etruria meridionale” (August. The city and the territory, power and images: the case of Latium and southern Etruria).
At the beginning of 2019 an agreement between the Municipality of Nepi and the University of Tuscia has been stipulated for the scientific cooperation for the restoration of some marble roman archeological finds kept in the museum.