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Municipality of Nepi

Culture, Tourism and Youth Policies

Bandiera dell'Italia

Natural Trails

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The City of Nepi rises in a volcanic area and it is surrounded by steep ravines called “Forre”, generated by ancient geological processes. There are a lot of natural trails to hike.

The area is also cut by several streams originated from Cimini mountains that flow into the Treia river, a tributary of the Tevere river.

The landscape, seen from above, appears as a expanse interrupted by deep cracks which take the form of steep ravines, the so called “forre”. The most suggestive nature trails are born precisely within these characteristic rifts that are the result of a very ancient geological process. The rich plant life is dominated by holly oaks, turkey oaks and maples.

One of the most interesting nature trail is the narrow tuff trail which allows to reach the Castel Sant’Elia Basilica through the local stream called “Il Pizzo”. This trail offers also archeological beauties such as the pre-roman ancient road known as “I Cavoni”. Through this evocative ancient road it is possible to climb the Forra and to reach “La Massa” area.

Then by crossing an evocative medieval bridge the Castel Sant Elisa Basilica can be reached. Nearby stands the must-see “Picchio’s Falls”, along Falisco river, whose water lap lush vegetation.


Different places where to start
Opening Hours
Always opened during daily hours